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Thursday, March 19, 2009

YEAH! We crossed the finish line!

We are all so excited to have finished our ride! It was so exciting and very moving. We had supporters cheering us on at the hotel who took photos, gave us medals and some moving speeches. And don't forget the champagne!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Day 3

Well, I am a bit discouraged because I could only ride 30 miles today because my right leg stopped working. I made it to our lunch stop, the last half of a mile using only my left leg and keeping my right one out to the side. I could not even put my leg on the hurt too badly...I don't understand why....there are some people older than I am and who bike less than I do....
I was very grateful to get a ride from our wonderful SAG team who whisked me away with quiet efficiency..
There are some other highlights from today: I finally had a good cappuccino on my ride. I decided life was too short not to stop at a local "bike-through" coffee hut. Luckily my fellow rider Guy from Berkeley stopped by and had an espresso and was willing to stay by my side the whole way to lunch. He ended up keeping me company as I "limped" through the day...He also happens to know how to fix a flat, which put my mind at ease.
There were too many riders having tire problems today; could not count them all...I was spared once again. I avoid the shoulder at all costs and keep my eyes on every piece of debris on the road....I am more afraid of getting a flat tire than of some car or truck running me down....people seem to think that is a strange idea.....
I was so happy to see my cousin Sebastian at our lunch stop, which happened to be in his town. I will see him again when he drives to Seattle tomorrow to be at the finish line!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


This is harder than I thought it would be...The back of my knees/muscles/tendons are not quite up to the task at hand....They hurt like crazy....I had to get a lift for the last 10 miles today (after riding 30 miles). I knew that I would not be able to ride tomorrow if I did not pay attention to my body..... However, I was safe and warm(except for my feet). Some riders tumbled today or fell over while they were standing still, talking....(This is why I have not changed my pedals to clipless ones)....All in all, everyone is ok, even with falling.
The scenery was beautiful even through the rain: Horses, meadows, vistas, rising steam from rivers, llamas. There were some hazards (dogs and trucks) but there was much less traffic than yesterday, which was very nice. There was a moment where I was all alone, and all I heard was birds chirping, while sitting on pine trees....

Monday, March 16, 2009

Made it to Washington!

Hello Everyone,
All 70 riders made it to Longview and Kelso in Washington this afternoon. Actually, one rider had to get medical attention after being caught in the ridges of a railroad tie and falling. After a rainy start at 9am, we made swift progress in weather ranging from sunny to showers to more rain and hail. Luckily, those of us fast enough, made it to the hotel before the hail began at 2:45pm. Many riders had flat tires and I am counting my blessings that I was spared. We were fed copious amounts of food at lunch and then again at dinner. The restaurant Outback provided us with food on Sunday and today. The food was donated and volunteer staff provided service. Everyone has been so kind and friendly.
P.S. You don't need a GPS gadget to follow us on the internet. Just click on my link and you will see a green dot that shows you where on the route we are.....

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Last Minute Update

Dear Friends,
I am way too excited to go to sleep....Luckily for me, my fellow riders from the South Bay offered to take my bike with them in their trailer. Such a blessing...Now I can fly up to Portland just with a duffel bag and did not have to deal with boxing up my bike...!!
Ready or not, here it comes.....Tomorrow, I will be on time for our pre-ride get-acquainted lunch and on Monday we start riding.
Check us out on:
You can follow us on a GPS system....How modern....
If you still want to donate:

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Chasing down Mundane Details

Rode to Amtrak with my bike to see what the situation was with transporting my bike on the train. Short 3.5 mile rountrip errand on streets in urgent need of repair and way too many cars...can't wait to ride in the country...
The train I will be riding does not have easy bike racks (only commuter trains do). Therefore, I must box up my bike. However, it is easier to box it for the train than it is to box it for a plane. Looking forward to wonderful scenery on the way up and back to Portland and Seattle.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Lafayette-Danville Tour

Today, I met my friends Ben and Elizabeth at their house in Lafayette and rode to Danville and back for a leisurely 22 miles. Guess where we stopped for coffee.....That place really attracts bicyclists.....
Love my first ever official bike shorts!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wednesday Travels

Rode to work today, which is only 1.5 miles, but uphill all the way. After work, I thought I really should ride some more, so I rode to Montclair from Piedmont, and supported my local Montclair shops....Coffee,chocolate, bike gear and party napkins for movie night.....the ride back to work was very steep....over the hill back to Piedmont....and home...
If it were not for the Portland to Seattle bike ride, I might just have driven to work and not spent any money....and been more out of shape.....

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

buying rain pants soon

Hello Everyone,
I could no longer resist cross-training, even though many advised me only to ride my bicycle....
I attended my favorite bikram yoga class today, against others' wisdom, but not my own.....Since I don't stretch or strengthen much on my own, classes are the only way....

I also have been avoiding the purchase of rain pants....they don't make them for tall people, it seems, so my ankles will be wet...since I am not changing my pedals with cages on them....

How's everyone doing out there???